Hi! I’m Logan. I am a designer, photographer, and writer. I left my home in Washington, DC after spending 8 years pursuing a career to discover the world and all the wonderful places I had been missing out on.
I studied photojournalism in college, graduated and got a job right away first in my field, then later in tech. Working day in and day out, month after month for just two weeks of time off a year quickly grew old on me just as my passion for travel began to build.
I left the American corporate rat race in 2015 and haven't regretted it once. Travel is my passion and my way of life and has opened my worldview beyond my wildest expectations. And I am a better designer because of it.
I have now worked for companies around the world, helping them to reach a new generation of customer – one that could come from any country, speak any language, but are all drawn in by designs and marketing that is exciting and compelling.
Most of the time you can find me nearby to the ocean, where I enjoy scuba diving, boating, and swimming. I am also an avid runner, consistently running 40km a month.
My travel photography and writing have taken me around the world exploring some of this planet's most visually vibrant locales. I'm never far from one of my beloved cameras whether it be underwater, in the air, or on the trail.